Whether for hotels, museums, showrooms, event locations or industry:
Our innovative virtual 3D tours present your property in a whole new way,
and present unique aspects and special features in the best light.
Using 3D scanning technology, we create a true-to-scale 3D model of the real object,
This allows visitors to explore every corner of a room step by step!
An evolution of old 360° tours that’s far more immersive, the visitor gets a real sense of space.
This is what makes our 3D tours so unique, so interesting and, most importantly, so real!
Thanks to the interactive info points (text, images, videos, audio, weblinks, …), the tour turns into a digital marketing tool.
A 3D Virtual Tour increases bookings by providing an immersive pre-visit experience. A study by Matterport shows that establishments that offer a virtual 3D tour receive 95 per cent more calls and 65 per cent more email enquiries from customers interested in booking.
Not only for hotels: a showroom is open 24h, 7 days, museums can offer online tours or companies can show production to far-away customers this way. There are no limits to the possibilities!
Our prices depend on the size of the property:
4-500 € for a 100m2 flat up to approx. 6-10,000 for a large hotel
Get a photorealistic and fully interactive 3D overview of the object: the so-called “doll’s house”. This model is freely rotatable and each room can be reached directly with just one click.
Interactive infopoints turn the tour into a digital marketing tool! Texts, links, photos, videos or HTML provide visitors with additional information about your property.
Content Management
Our software offers a wide range of functions: multilingualism, password protection, logo, music, statistics, among others also a content management system. Everything is user-friendly and of course 100% responsive.
4K Images
With the snapshot function, every angle can be exported as a high-resolution photo. With a resolution of 4K or 300 DPI, they are suitable for printing.
Our Main Services
Digital Measuring
Even simple measurements can be taken in our Digital Twin. The digital measuring tape makes it possibl
Automatic Translation
With just two clicks, the tour can be translated into any other language in our software. AI makes it possible!
3D Toures
Our 3D tours are suitable for all devices: computer, smartphone or tablet. For an even more intense spatial experience, your 3D model can also be experienced with VR glasses.
Our scan system combines Lidar Laser Scantecnology and HDR images to create an incredible,
high-quality, full-scale three-dimensional model.
The three-dimensional interactive tour is the fundamental result of our 3D scanning.
Our 3D virtual tours brings places to life, making them truly perceptible,
and transforms them into a unique and immersive experience, as if the visitor were actually there!
Some additional functions that make the 3D tour so interactive.
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Donec eu sollicitudin odio. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse potenti. Etiam quis hendrerit sapien, ac ultricies quam. Ut non tellus pulvinar, egestas odio ut, aliquet leo.
In addition to the panorama tour and the floor plan, the project can be saved for editing by architects and planners.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris ac diam non odio sollicitudin porta.
Nullam ac aliquam ligula. Donec vestibulum congue neque eget congue. Praesent non tincidunt eros. Mauris ornare tempus mauris, ac laoreet erat dictum a. Integer cursus tincidunt dolor eget feugiat. Cras iaculis gravida eros in imperdiet.
Duis dignissim neque dui, eu malesuada nunc dignissim at. Ut ornare turpis quis arcu porttitor, semper fermentum lacus accumsan. Praesent semper quam quis molestie congue. Proin congue non justo sit amet fermentum. Cras sollicitudin lacus at augue suscipit, pulvinar tincidunt felis consequat.
Donec vestibulum congue neque eget congue. Praesent non tincidunt eros. Mauris ornare tempus mauris, ac laoreet erat dictum a. Integer cursus tincidunt dolor eget feugiat. Cras iaculis gravida eros in imperdiet.
Praesent non tincidunt eros. Mauris ornare tempus mauris, ac laoreet erat dictum a. Integer cursus tincidunt dolor eget feugiat. Cras iaculis gravida eros in imperdiet.
Praesent ut turpis turpis. Maecenas in elementum lacus. Proin malesuada nunc quam, vel malesuada turpis elementum et. In vel dui eu orci rutrum tincidunt. Sed massa neque, ultricies ac dolor quis, posuere maximus diam.